Technology & Electronics


SEASON 2 : Episode 7




Ayu Devices Pvt Ltd


Adarsh Kachappilly, Tapas Pandey, Varad Patil


Rs. 1 crore for 1.5% equity at a valuation of Rs. 66.67 crores.


Rs. 50 lakhs for 3.5% equity at a valuation of Rs. 14.29 crores & Rs. 50 lakh debt @10% interest.

Ayusynk is an advanced Digital Stethoscope that can be attached to a regular stethoscope. It utilizes advanced audio algorithms to eliminate background noise and enhance the sounds of the heart and lungs. This makes it an excellent tool for diagnosing even the faintest sounds, making it suitable for both clinical and non-clinical environments.

Furthermore, the device comes equipped with a built-in microphone, which enables it to function as a portable recording device. Medical professionals can use this feature to record a patient’s heart and lung sounds, then play them back later for further study or to share with other medical practitioners.

Ayusynk features two modes, Heart mode, and Lung mode. A red light indicates heart mode, and double-tapping switches the device to Lung mode, where a green light blinks. The device’s Bluetooth-connected application can record measured values, which can be shared with anyone. As a result, a doctor in a remote or rural area can transmit this data to urban physicians for more in-depth analysis and diagnosis.

They have three versions of their product; AyuLynk, AyuSynk 2+, and AyuSynk 2Pro, which are available on their website.


Founders & their story

Adarsh Kachappilly

Tapas Pandey

Varad Patil

In 2015, Adarsha and Tapas participated in a MEDIC hackathon organized by the Biomedical Engineering and Technology Incubation Centre (BETiC) at IIT Bombay. Their goal was to find a solution for the high number of deaths caused by heart and lung diseases in India each year. They teamed up with Dr. Nambiraj Konar and began working on a device to transmit heart and lung sounds from one place to another.

During their research, Adarsha compared the sound quality of a high-end stethoscope that cost around $220 with a $110 stethoscope from Ayu Devices. They found that Ayu Devices had significantly better sound quality, which motivated the team to work even harder to improve the device and make it commercially available.

In India, only a few medical device manufacturers are licensed, and most medical devices are imported, making them expensive and inaccessible to many people. These issues inspired the team to continue their efforts toward making Ayu Devices a success. As a result, they left their jobs and joined the research field to complete the work they started.

About the company:

Ayudevices is a company founded in 2017 that specializes in developing innovative medical devices. Their flagship product is Ayusynk, a cutting-edge stethoscope that uses advanced audio algorithms to filter out background noise and amplify the sounds of the heart and lungs. The company has secured a US patent for its product, and it aims to make Ayusynk available worldwide, replacing traditional stethoscopes with its innovative device.

Based in India, Ayudevices aims to bring innovative medical devices to healthcare professionals worldwide. They are committed to improving patient outcomes by providing medical practitioners with the latest technology and tools for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

In addition to Ayusynk, Ayudevices is also developing other medical devices to address various healthcare needs. The company has a team of experienced professionals in the field of medicine, engineering, and business management. They are dedicated to creating solutions that are accessible, affordable, and effective for healthcare professionals and patients alike.


They have sold over 5,000 products, of which 90% of units are sold to telemedicine companies and 10% to B2C doctors.

The average selling price of their product is Rs. 12000, with a gross margin of 55%.

Last month’s sales were Rs. 32 lakhs & Year-to-date sales in FY 22-23 are Rs. 3 crores with a projection of Rs. 7 crores by the end of this fiscal year.

The projected EBITDA is 18%.

Founder’s Ask

Rs. 1 crore for 1.5% equity at a valuation of Rs. 66.67 crores.


Peyush offered Rs. 50 lakhs for 5% equity at a valuation of Rs. 10 crores & Rs. 50 lakhs debt @12% interest.

Namita offered Rs. 50 lakhs for 4% equity at a valuation of Rs. 12.5 crores & Rs. 50 lakhs debt @10% interest.

Founder’s Counter Offer

Rs. 50 lakhs for 3.5% equity at a valuation of Rs. 14.29 crores & Rs. 50 lakhs debt @10% interest.

Final Deal 

The deal was finalized with Namita for Rs. 50 lakhs for 3.5% equity at a valuation of Rs. 14.29 crores & Rs. 50 lakhs debt @10% interest.

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Still have questions on product, bulk buying


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