Technology & Electronics

Vikrant’s Bike

SEASON 3 : Episode 31


Vikrant’s Bike


Vikrant’s Bike


Vikrant Subhash Pawar


30 lakhs for 5% equity at the valuation of Rs. 6 crores


No Deal

Introducing Vikrant’s revolutionary bike—the culmination of his relentless innovation and dedication. This stylish prototype marks his ninth iteration, showcasing his unwavering commitment to excellence. Powered by a cutting-edge combination of hydrogen and ethanol, this bike represents a paradigm shift in transportation, liberating users from the shackles of fossil fuel dependency. Ethanol, the primary fuel source, can be sustainably obtained from sugarcane, making it not only environmentally friendly but also significantly more affordable than traditional petrol. With a remarkable mileage of 50-55 kmpl, Vikrant’s bike promises both efficiency and sustainability.

Moreover, in a stroke of ingenious design, the bike seamlessly transitions to petrol usage if ethanol reserves are depleted, ensuring uninterrupted mobility for the rider. This new vision and product from Vikrant represent a bold step towards a greener, more sustainable future. By harnessing the power of alternative fuels and innovative engineering, Vikrant’s bike paves the way for a transportation revolution—one that prioritizes environmental stewardship without compromising on style or performance. Say hello to Vikrant’s Bike—a symbol of innovation, sustainability, and progress.

Founders & their story

  • Vikrant Subhash Pawar

Vikrant, originally from Satara, is currently pursuing mechanical engineering. Despite facing societal pressure due to receiving lower marks in his 10th board exams, he remained resolute and eventually excelled, topping his diploma course. To fund his entrepreneurial aspirations, he resorted to selling fruit salad from his bicycle. Interestingly, that very bicycle served as the prototype for his first electric bike. Now, Vikrant finds himself on Shark tank, presenting not just a product but his profound vision—a dream come true. He has developed a bike powered by a revolutionary combination of hydrogen and ethanol fuel, following two years of intensive research and development. The fuel is priced at Rs 65 per litre, and the bike boasts an impressive mileage ranging between 50 to 55 kilometres per litre.

His go-to-market strategy involves establishing an ethanol plant to ensure a steady supply of fuel and setting up a bike manufacturing unit. This current model marks his ninth prototype, signalling a journey marked by relentless innovation and refinement. Although the product is still in its prototype stage, Vikrant’s confidence in its potential is unwavering. A distinguishing feature of Vikrant’s bike is its utilization of 99.9% pure ethanol, underscoring his commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. Moreover, the bike incorporates an ingenious mechanism where electricity is generated using an alternator, subsequently used to produce hydrogen gas.

Furthermore, Vikrant’s bike offers versatility through a unique petrol-ethanol hybrid model. In the event that ethanol runs out, the bike seamlessly switches to petrol, ensuring uninterrupted mobility for the rider. With a total investment of 2 lakhs and a deeply rooted passion for innovation, Vikrant is poised to revolutionize the transportation industry with his groundbreaking creation.

About the company

At its current stage, Vikrant’s visionary product remains in the prototype phase, awaiting its official launch. To bring his ambitious vision to fruition, two critical components must be established: an ethanol plant and a bike manufacturing unit. This indicates the scale of Vikrant’s aspirations, underscoring his determination to revolutionize the transportation industry. Central to Vikrant’s groundbreaking concept is the hydrogen ethanol-powered bike, meticulously designed by him. This innovative approach not only showcases his engineering prowess but also underscores his commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.

The proposed ethanol plant will serve as the cornerstone of this endeavour, ensuring a sustainable and reliable source of fuel derived from sugarcane. By utilizing ethanol, which is not only renewable but also significantly cheaper than traditional petrol, Vikrant aims to challenge the status quo and reduce dependency on fossil fuels. Additionally, the establishment of a bike manufacturing unit signifies Vikrant’s holistic approach towards bringing his vision to life. This unit will be instrumental in producing the meticulously crafted bikes that embody Vikrant’s dedication to innovation and quality.

In essence, Vikrant’s vision transcends mere product development; it represents a paradigm shift in the way we perceive transportation. By combining cutting-edge technology with sustainable practices, Vikrant aspires to create a future where eco-friendly mobility is not just a possibility but a reality.


Following its launch, Vikrant’s innovative bike will be priced competitively between 95,000 to 1 lakh Rs, ensuring accessibility without compromising on quality or performance.

Founders’ Ask 

30 lakhs for 5% equity at the valuation of Rs. 6 crores.

No Deal

Reasons for no deal

Aman: A few more innovations should be done along with this.

Namita: The founder should first get involved with the R&D department of a big company, discuss, learn and the relaunch.

Anupam: He will help out by financing the patent.

Ritesh: He would be happy to invest in the ethanol plant if the founder decides to only focus on the ethanol plant.

Amit: There is lack of thought clarity, there has to be more use cases.

Have questions on product

Still have questions on product, bulk buying